Free Guide: Simple Yet Powerful Ways to Shrink Your AWS Expenses

Download this free guide and begin taking small steps to help reduce your AWS bill and cut down on unnecessary cloud expenses today

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Are you tired of receiving hefty bills from AWS every month?

If you run your business using Amazon Web Services, you know how beneficial it is. It's an excellent choice to run your technical infrastructure from all the different services it provides, the ease of scalability, and the flexibility to pay for what you use. Without it, your business might not have gotten off the ground.

However, are you shocked when you receive your bill from AWS? If you are, you're not alone. Many organizations struggle to manage their cloud budget and see their expenses pile up more and more every month. You may have looked into the different options to reduce costs, but the complexity of what's available overwhelms you.

What if there was a way to reduce your AWS costs significantly with minimal effort?

You can begin taking small steps to reduce your cloud expenses and optimize costs with the Simple Yet Powerful Ways to Shrink Your AWS Expenses guide.

Simple Yet Powerful Ways to Shrink Your AWS Expenses - Book Cover

This free guide is an easy-to-follow resource for organizations seeking to understand their AWS costs and learn how to begin taking steps to reduce their expenses. This guide is written for those who want some quick wins to stop wasting money on AWS resources without affecting your existing operations.

Running a business is challenging enough without the added pressure of dealing with higher cloud computing expenses. Having worked with dozens of organizations facing the same challenges, I understand the sinking feeling that comes from seeing that massive AWS bill and the confusion that follows when thinking about where to start with cost reductions, especially when your business relies on these resources.

With over 20 years of experience in software engineering and IT operations, I have helped businesses like yours drastically cut their AWS costs without compromising on the resources they need to keep their infrastructure running smoothly. I also hold multiple AWS certifications that will help your organization make better decisions to optimize your existing services.

This guide is a collection of my hands-on experience, knowledge, and proven strategies to empower businesses to manage their budget and save money effectively.

What you'll get with the Simple Yet Powerful Ways to Shrink Your AWS Expenses guide

The guide contains clear and actionable advice on managing your AWS spending, from gathering data on where your money is going to guidance on what to address first. It also contains hands-on examples of common scenarios that will help you implement some of these strategies today.

Some of the examples included in the guide will teach you how to:

  • Track current and future costs with AWS Cost Explorer.
  • Automate shutting down Amazon EC2 resources with AWS Budgets based on usage.
  • Set alerts to know when your AWS Lambda functions exceed their invocation threshold.
  • Use Auto Scaling and Scheduled Actions to automatically add Amazon EC2 resources when you need them and shut them down when you don't.

This guide is designed as a starting point to kickstart your cost reduction journey with AWS and get you on the right path toward massive savings.

Download the free guide and start saving on your AWS bill today

It's time to begin taking small steps that lead to significant savings in reducing your AWS bill. Enter your first name and email below for your free copy of the Simple Yet Powerful Ways to Shrink Your AWS Expenses guide.

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Meet Dennis

As a freelancer and consultant, I work with tech organizations worldwide to help them build effective, high-quality software. It's my mission to help these companies get their idea off the ground quickly and in the right way for the long haul.

For over 20 years, I've worked with startups and other tech companies across the globe to help them successfully build effective, high-quality software. My experience comes from working with early-stage companies in New York City, San Francisco, Tokyo, and remotely with dozens of organizations around the world.

My main areas of focus are full-stack web development, test automation, and DevOps. I love sharing my thoughts and expertise around test automation on my blog, Dev Tester, and have written a book on the same topic.

Dennis Martinez - Photo

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